DCA Archive

Shorts for Middle Ones


Variety is once again the key word in this collection of short films for those aged 8 or older, which present some very different aspects of the world in which we live – challenging, mystical, celebratory, inquiring and fun.

There is the story of a little boy whose lifelong dream of living in the sea with his fishy friends is rewarded through persistence, technical experimentation and the art of beachcombing. An Australian-Japanese family learn to cope with their differences through ingenious edible artworks. We have a cautionary tale for anyone who has moments of uncertainty, plus we learn why taking selfies whilst visiting a new planet isn’t always a good idea...

Most of these films are dialogue free, proving words aren’t always necessary when telling exquisite stories. However, in one film subtitles are used to assist those of us whose Japanese language skills are minimal. Or non-existent.